We know freezing and chilling.
Air Products’ Cold Zone
Air Products’ Freshline® Food Solutions offers high-purity gases, equipment, and unmatched industry experience to take your food production to the next level.
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Enhance Food Processing with Liquid Nitrogen or CO₂.
Learn how one customer scaled up its ice cream business with Air Products' cryogenic gases and technology.
New Offerings
Sneak Peek.... Air Products SMART Technology
Freshline ® SMART Technology uses sensor and wireless communications technology to advise process optimization based on advanced analytics, as well as tracking key process parameters. Ask your Air Products' representative for a full range of offerings.
Air Products' Virtual Food Lab Tour Coming Soon
Our new food lab is equipped with our state-of-the art freezing and chilling equipment. Visit our headquarters or request the Air Products' mobile food lab to evaluate which food grade gases are most beneficial to you and your operations.
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